Frequently Asked Questions

Zoe Advisor Network

To accelerate their growth. Zoe offers RIAs a premiere C-Suite solution that saves them time while growing their business. Being in the Zoe Network provides advisors with an additional support system and tools to scale their practice strategically. Above all, advisors partner with Zoe because they share Zoe’s philosophy of reducing conflicts of interest between advisors and clients and are on a similar mission to accelerate wealth creation through exceptional client experience and innovative technology.

Zoe partners with growth-minded advisors who work with “planning first” practices. They believe that there is a better way to work with people than what the brokerage industry has traditionally established. They are committed to their client’s well-being and the achieving of their long life goals, operating as a family office for each of them. On the investment side, they have an evidence-based approach with an emphasis on keeping implementation costs low.


Yes. Zoe Network Advisors cannot earn commissions or compensation from investment products. In addition, ADV records must be clean of any client complaints or investment-related violations.


Once we’ve reviewed the advisor’s SEC filings for disclosures, applicants are separated according to their qualifications and only those with one or more required designations (CFP®, CFA®, CPA) move to the next step. After this, experience is evaluated. All advisors must have a minimum of 5 years of relevant experience to qualify. Later on, we ensure that the advisor is interest-aligned with our mission and has minimal conflicts of interest. They must be unbiased and transparent with their information and processes and have a competitive pricing structure. Finally, an in-depth assessment is conducted to assess subject-matter knowledge, ability to problem solve, financial and investment process, as well as operational efficiency. The assessment also evaluates their communication skills and the overall client experience they offer. Learn More

Zoe referred clients (investors) are affluent households seeking meaningful, long-term financial advice and guidance in their financial life. They are thoughtful in their decisions, pragmatic, value human connection, and are educated on the importance of a long-term advisory relationship. Zoe’s team uses cutting-edge, hyper-targeted strategies to provide advisors with qualified clients for them. Learn more

Our business development team ensures prospects understand the different fee payment options as well as the differences between an aligned-interest RIA and a broker. In addition, they verify income and asset levels to ensure each client meets the minimums of the matched advisors.

Yes. Zoe’s Advisors are provided with business development coaching and powerful tools, such as a pipeline management dashboard. Moreover, they receive exclusive content, have access to unique software partnership deals, and are exposed to brand-building exercises. Learn more

No. Zoe’s Advisors maintain their independence and are welcome to use other sources to grow their practice. They also continue their relationships with existing clients.

We charge a one-time implementation fee and an ongoing membership fee depending on the number of advisors that are admitted from your practice.

Zoe’s Advisors pay an ongoing referral fee to Zoe for finding them high-quality clients. Advisors only pay Zoe if the prospective client decides to hire them. This way, Zoe “walks the walk;” as we do not receive compensation from an advisor unless it is a successful match.

Click Apply Now, fill out the form, and our team will reach out to you. The application process is free of charge.

Disclosure: This material provided by Zoe Financial is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to serve as a substitute for personalized investment advice or as a recommendation or solicitation of any particular security, strategy, or investment product. Nothing in these materials is intended to serve as personalized tax and/or investment advice since the availability and effectiveness of any strategy is dependent upon your individual facts and circumstances. Zoe Financial is not an accounting firm – clients and prospective clients should consult with their tax professional regarding their specific tax situation. Opinions expressed by Zoe Financial are based on economic or market conditions at the time this material was written. Economies and markets fluctuate. Actual economic or market events may turn out differently than anticipated. Facts presented have been obtained from sources believed to be reliable. Zoe Financial, however, cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of such information, and certain information presented here may have been condensed or summarized from its original source. Zoe Financial does not provide legal advice.

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